Skin Health

6 Steps to Clear Skin

Treating Acne Naturally

It is important to address different contributing factors when treating acne, as it has been shown that different body systems play a role in the development of the skin condition. For example, there is cross-talk between the central nervous system, the skin & gut and the hormonal systems, and is termed the brain-gut-skin axis. 

Acne Vulgaris is a common inflammatory skin condition that affects the hair follicle, hair shaft and sebaceous gland.  While genetics and hormones play an important role in acne, evidence also associates nutritional and lifestyle factors.  It is also common for people with acne to develop emotional & psychological issues, affecting self-esteem and social interactions.

Inflammation is now known to initiate and generate the development of acne development through the activation of the immune system.  Hormone changes in the quantity of sebum can disturb the skin barrier function. Oxidative stress is also a contributing factor as it plays a part in the irritation and destruction of the wall of the hair follicle.

It can get confusing when managing the condition, but keeping your skin care routine simple and treating your skin as sensitive will help decrease any redness and inflammation.

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6 steps to manage acne

Below are 6 main areas to focus on which treats acne holistically & helps to achieve naturally clear skin.

1. Skin Barrier

  • Don’t use abrasive soaps which can cause irritation to skin (some of these may include alcohol, perfumes/fragrances). Use mildly acidic skincare products to help protect the skin microbiome & outer layer.

  • Irritation from sweat can cause bacteria (P. acnes) causing a mild inflammatory response, ensure the skin is washed after strenuous activity.

  • Gentle exfoliation (without harsh chemicals or strong fragrances).

2. Nutrition

  • Improve general nutrition:  Include adequate fresh fruit & vegetables and natural whole foods, healthy fats, quality protein sources & antioxidants.

  • Identify & eliminate foods which exacerbate the condition e.g. dairy, sugar & processed carbohydrates.

  • Ensure you are well hydrated with adequate water and/or herbal teas.

  • Increase Omega 3 fatty acids to maintain skin barrier & inhibit inflammation.

  • Zinc is a bacterial suppressor, wound healer, tissue regenerator and vital to acne treatment. Foods high in zinc include:   Oysters, beef, poultry, cashews, pumpkin & sunflower seeds, legumes, yoghurt, milk, cheese, kefir, eggs.

3. Stress Management

  • Ensure adequate rest, exercise, fresh air, sunlight & sleep. Choose your favourite way to de-stress i.e. yoga, walking, music, reading, social activities.

  • Chronic stress increases cortisol and increases insulin which thickens sebum in the hair follicle.

  • Exercise on most days of the week to decrease stress and to also stimulate lymphatic function – this helps rid the body of metabolic waste.

  • Managing stress also helps to avoid poor food choices.

4. Digestive Health

  • Compromised gut health can aggravate acne by prolonged inflammation & tissue damage in the intestinal tract.

  • A disrupted gut lining or barrier function contributes to a poor immune response, inflammation and oxidative stress.

  • Bowel issues such as constipation can contribute to the condition because of sluggish elimination. Without proper elimination, this may increase skin congestion & the reabsorption of toxins and hormones.

5. Hormones

  • Elevated hormones such as androgens (testosterone) and insulin play a role in the development of acne & the production of sebum. 

  • Following a low sugar diet & consuming minimal refined foods helps to reduce excess androgen & insulin.

  • To help balance your hormones, eat a nourishing diet, manage stress and get enough sleep. Hormonal fluctuations can lead to increased oil production, leading to generally oiler skin.

6. Liver/Detox

  • A sluggish liver can cause digestive disturbance & decrease the ability for the liver to detox & cleanse efficiently.

  • Inadequate breakdown of hormonal by-products, which is one of the liver’s functions, can contribute to hormonal imbalance.

  • Consume liver supportive foods to help clear acne, as hormones are processed in the liver. E.g. cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower and leafy greens as well as high fiber fruits, such as berries, pears and apples.