Flower Essences
Customised Flower Essence Consult:
(Australian Bush Flower Essences and/or Bach Flowers)
Includes 20 minute consult + 1 bottle of custom flower essences
$75 (postage $10 extra)
A customised flower essence blend will be made specific to your presenting issues, after a brief history is taken. Flower essences help you to release or work with an underlying emotion which may be affecting your physical health and also supporting your mind and body health.
Flower essences for your pet
Includes 20 minute consult + 1 bottle of custom flower essences
$75 (postage $10 extra)
A customised blend can be made to resolve any emotional imbalances or issues such as separation anxiety or fear. Especially beneficial for rescued pets having adjustment issues in their new homes. (Please note that flower essences do not replace prescribed medication or veterinary care).