Kinesiology is a unique therapy that uses muscle response to identify areas of stress or imbalance in the body's energy system as well as emotions, negative beliefs & past trauma. It combines the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, energy balancing and anatomy and physiology. It can be applied to a wide range of health issues and works holistically with the mind and the body to improve physical, mental and emotional health.
Our body stores these imbalances or memories and can be detected in areas such as muscles, organs, tissues and meridians. Muscle response provides accurate information in relation to physical and emotional states and can determine when issues were first established. I also incorporate Psych-K® balances to help transform subconscious limiting beliefs which may be contributing to self sabotage, procrastination, lack of self belief or confidence. By alleviating the stress or imbalance in the body, this can improve how you feel and function on many levels.
Uses & Benefits of Kinesiology
Stress identification & reduction
Improved energy levels
Digestive disorders
Identifying incompatible foods
Helps transform limiting beliefs & behaviours
Clear subconscious sabotages & blocks
Support with chronic health or emotional issues
Improving self esteem, confidence & motivation
How does it work?
Any source of stress can block the energy flow within the body which affects vitality and hinders the natural healing process. A Kinesiolgist helps identify and address these blockages, which may be physical, mental, emotional or nutritional. Once the underlying cause is identified, muscle testing is used to prioritise the most appropriate course of action to take in order to help initiate the body’s healing process.
Some techniques that may be used during a consultation:
Muscle / meridian balances
Lymphatic, vascular or spinal reflexes
Psych-K® balances
Emotional Stress Release
Acupressure holding points
Flower essences / aromatherapy
Lifestyle changes / goal setting
Mindfulness / relaxation techniques
Sound healing